Sunday, November 28, 2010


I made a post about this blog, to get people to read. Minutes later, it was gone. Deleted. This just proves my theory. Mojo is scared. Scared of us.

The Lies

You can't sue a KIDS SITE for posting copyright pics. They are not responsible for what we post. They way they look at it, we are toddlers that will believe anything they tell us. They say they they increase prices because they are poor. But then how could they afford to make these huge changes?

The Truth about Harpalyce

Many people believe Harpalyce quit. Some never even realized she was gone at all. But a very few know the truth.... She was banned. She learned something horrible.... Something they wanted no one to know. I'm not sure what it was. But I do know that she shared it with others. And it was so bad... she was suspended. Foopets is covering things up, as this proves.

FooPets: Complaints and Problems

It started with Beta. Then they believed they could force more on us. New members had to pay to join. The pets Pooped. Then there was the turning point. No Pictures. None. Due to "Copyright Issues". But if this is true then why can't we post our own pictures? Pictures of our pets? Still they ignored our fury. Members began disappearing. They were being Banned for voicing their opinions. More members disappeared, this time by choice. They were Quitting. Then things were quiet for awhile. Untill... The minimum price for a pet raised to 45 fds. We were taxed 50% on anything we sold. Not exactly what I call fair in my opinion. FooMojo proved it was scared by banning any members protesting. This is what is leading so many members to leave Foo.